News Flash – March 2024

Bollards, Bins, Benches & More!

Wilson Stone offers a variety of landscaping solutions for all your commercial and residential needs! View our wide range of landscaping solutions – cut and crafted just for you!

Perfect. Majestic. Cut Stone Floor Slabs!

The WilsonStone Grey 3 Cut Stone floor slabs work perfectly with the edgy, modern design of this contemporary Johannesburg home. Our Cut Stone Greys are numbered to differentiate between the size of aggregate used in the mix – grey 2 being the smallest stones, to grey 4 being the largest of the pieces used. Cut Stone is durable, hard wearing, and perfect for pavements and high traffic areas. We offer a high-quality range of paving solutions, from attractive concrete and stone tiles to exposed aggregate tiles and cement pavers that are ideal for heavy-use areas.

Special Aberdeen Pots!

The Highlands Range consists of 6 pots that are all of versatile shapes and sizes. The Aberdeen Pots stand proudly as one of our most popular sellers of our entire Pots & Planters range!

All Your Solutions Under One Roof!

Wilson Stone provides a one-stop shop for quality Paving, Bins, Benches and Bollards. You need look no further for all your commercial, architectural, and landscaping requirements.